Development of Pickering emulsions using lignin particles as a stabilizer

Development of Pickering emulsions using lignin particles as a stabilizer

Dr. Oihana Gordobil co-supervised the MSc thesis “Evaluation of colloidal lignin particles (CLPs) as an emulsion stabilizer in Pickering emulsions for cosmetic applications” of a MSc student Nicole Blazevic from the University of Maribor, Slovenia. During this research, Nicole Blazevic evaluated the quality of elaborated Pickering emulsions in relation to the process parameters and ingredients used in the formulation.

MSc student Nicole Blazevic and Dr. Oihana Gordobil evaluating the stability of the developed Pickering emulsions using a digital microscope (Innorenew CoE, Slovenia).

Dr. Oihana Gordobil co-supervised the MSc thesis “Evaluation of colloidal lignin particles (CLPs) as an emulsion stabilizer in Pickering emulsions for cosmetic applications” of a MSc student Nicole Blazevic from the University of Maribor, Slovenia. During this research, Nicole Blazevic evaluated the quality of elaborated Pickering emulsions in relation to the process parameters and ingredients…